Hosting informative nature talks and conservation work parties in Hertfordshire
President: Richard Darby; Secretary: Janet Adderley; Chairman: Sue Stephens
Committee: Isabel Darby, Claudia Harflett, Robin Cole, Judith Watson
Contact: welwynnhs@gmail.com or 07732 123704
Next Meeting: Weds 27th November 2024, 8pm.
The Impact of Bird Flu on our Wild Birds
Prof Phil Atkinson, BTO
All talks held at Welwyn Civic Centre, Prospect Place, Welwyn, AL6 9ER, in the Small Hall.
Members free (annual subscription £15).
Visitors £5, juniors free.
2024/5 Programme
Feb 28 Joint with Herts Natural History Society The BEAVER Natural Flood Management Project Sarah Brockless
Mar 27 My Life as a Naturalist Tom Gladwin
Apr 24 The Restoration of Danesbury Fernery John Roper
May 22 Battling the Buzz: the impacts of insect declines on birds and bats.
Hannah Romanowski
June 26 Using the Smell of Bacteria to Tackle Acute Oak Decline
Gareth Thomas
Sept 25 Aren't Midges Great! Environmental Change Indicators Extraordinaire Steve Brooks
Oct 23 Fungi: The Good, the Bad, and the Unexpected John Lucas
Nov 27 The Impact of Bird Flu on our Wild Birds Prof Phil Atkinson
Dec 11 Light-hearted Quiz and Christmas gathering
Jan 22 Joint with Herts Natural History Society
Feb 26 AGM and members' evening: Photos, exhibits and short talks welcome
Subscriptions: £15pa; visitors £5per meeting; children free